Aims and Scope

JMST is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary open access journal published in English language. The journal aims to strengthen and promote the Maritime Sciences in Tanzania, Africa and globally at large. Published research should appeal to an international audience, but can be relevant to the local context.
The Journal publishes research in all fields of the Maritime Science which include Marine Engineering, Navigation/Nautical science, Maritime Education and Training, Maritime Law and Insurance, Maritime Administration, Shipping and Logistics Management, Port Operations and Enterprises, Maritime Safety and Security, Marine Environment and Pollution, Ship Design and Construction, Offshore Activities (Oil and Gas; Integrated Maritime Operations), Ocean Renewable Energies, Global Warming, Climate Change and Adaptation, other Maritime Studies which include but not limited to: Maritime English and Communication Skills, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Electronics, Computer Science, Information Communication Technology, Environmental Science and other Applied Sciences.

Types of Articles

Three types of articles are accepted for publication in the Journal of Maritime Science and Technology:

i. Original Research Articles:
These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly. The length of the article should be about 20 to 25 manuscript pages.

ii. Review Articles:
They summarize recent developments on a specific topic, without introducing new data. Review articles should be concise and not longer than 25 manuscript pages. Review articles should also be peer reviewed.

iii. Letters and rapid or short communications:
Letters and rapid or short communications are suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus without including too much data or details. They should be about 8 to 15 manuscript pages in length.
Note: The given numbers of pages for all types of articles above include all data: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, and figure legends.